Wealth Insights has pioneered a unique syndicated reporting model that provides clients with both industry-wide intelligence and customised, proprietary market and brand intelligence about their individual companies.
The annual syndicated reports provide industry-wide actionable and company-specific information. The studies also serve as an industry score-card and are used by many subscribers in competitive benchmarking initiatives.​

This subscription identifies key trends within the financial planning industry. It tracks financial planners' attitudes and behaviours identifying how those attitudes and behaviours impact on fund managers and platform providers.
These reports are an industry standard measure of financial planner's satisfaction with service levels provided by fund managers and platform providers. Published annually since 1992, the research is used by many companies to evaluate and compare their service offering to their competitors.​
The Wealth Insights Advertising/Brand Tracking Study is conducted every couple of months and provides you with the means to regularly monitor the effectiveness of your advertising and marketing programmes with financial planners.
The Wealth Insights Adviser Omnibus Survey provides you with the means to regularly ask questions of financial advisers nationwide without the expense of commissioning a full research study.

Our speciality is conducting bespoke projects for our clients that leverage insights gleaned from over ten year’s expertise in the wealth management industry and draws upon Wealth Insights’ syndicated studies.